check your domestic listening conditions and make adjustments where necessary

proceed to the center of the room / be aware of the fact that you can only produce / perceive sound adequately on your own /

get a chair and sit down / now check if the sound-paths of your speakers (positioned at the height of your ears) cross each other at a 60 - 90 angle in your head / this is the only way to achieve the ideal listening-position / leaving this central spot you will have to accept to hear larger sections differently or not at all

listen continually and at high volume / try to physically follow the motion (of sound) which forms the basis of each section / especially the last part partie du rapport final d`un voyage de recherche pour la production de l`oeuvre artistique-scientifique “les espaces virtuels et / ou leur musique“, qui a conduit au printemps 1995 aux céntres de recherche et de production pour la musique electronique I is best suited for that purpose / stay close to the left speaker during the first couple of minutes (if possible remove the cover of the loudspeaker to be able to see the sound as well) / gradually move to the center / and - during the last minutes - finally turn to the right speaker where sound will vanish /
this way you will build your own body-of-sound / by moving your shoulders / your arms, by partly / completely closing both of your ears, by obstructing the sound-paths with furious movements of your hands, and through other ways . . . you will manage to reshape the original completely / thus difference-tones, subsonics, asynchronous phase-shifts or holo-acoustic projections become a sensual experience of virtureality / in time space unfolds / perspiration-rotation / different aggregate states of seemingly identical sounds / laxity / lack of security / their alloy / and ocean (slow ocean)

living room music

1 der ohrenblick des untergangs der titanic

2 iteration

3 der ohrenblick des untergangs der titanic

4 pieces from / for radio

5 partie du rapport final d`un voyage de recherche pour la production de l`oeuvre scientifique "les espaces virtuels et / ou leur musique", qui a conduit au printemps 1995 aux centres de recherche et de production pour la musique electronique I

produced by sha.TM 1   p + c 1996

for ORF-kunstradio

at IRCAM-centre pompidou in paris

and the institute for electroacoustic and experimental music (hochschule für musik und darstellende kunst) vienna

visual communication - martin burkhardt
listening to the music both artists collaborated on the visual concept

ORF kunstradio - Argentinierstraße 30a, 1040 Vienna, Austria