Wolfgang Hagen: "beyONd RADIO"

[5] "there Hitler, I Commentary"

The Minister of Propaganda, 36 years of age, is already a well versed and experienced radio producer as he notes in the infamous statement in his diary on February 11th, 1933: "The loudspeaker is an instrument of mass propaganda, whose effectiveness can not yet be estimated today. In any case, our adlersaries haven't known how to use it. All the more reason for us to learn how to implement it." [1]

At the beginning of February '33, the Nazis had dissolved parliament. They would finally seize power through winning an election. In his diaries, consisting for thousands of pages of only short sentences and orders that read like the printout of a poor mechanized speech programme, diaries that literally push aside language, containing not a single doubting thought, no deliberation, no reflection, - in these diaries, between February and March of 1933, Goebbels notes at least seven radiophonic supreme-power scenarios which forebode how the March elections are to become above all (and perhaps historically the first) media-determined elections, with the help of the Reichstag fire, the communist witch-hunt, radio and the aeroplane.

On this particular 11th of February 1933 the entire theatrical fiasco commences in the Berlin Sportpalast. Goebbels in the "off", that is: only audible to listeners on the radio, describes the scene in and around the stadium in endless preliminaries, pathetic ritardandia and time-consuming phrases which have only the simple but very effective purpose of raising the tension level.

He notes in his diary: "... lt is, however, a strange feeling to suddenly stand before a dead microphone while one was previously used to speaking in front of live audiences, to become elevated by their response and to read the effect of the speech from their faces. It goes on like this for about twenty minutes and then speaks Hitler. At the end the Führer gets into a wonderful, amazing rhetorical pathos and finishes with the word "Amen!". This appears to be so natural that all the people are shaken to the core. This speech will incite an uprising of enthusiasm in the whole of Germany. The nation will be in our hands almost without struggle. The masses in the Sportpalast fall into a senseless trance. Now finally the German revolution is starting to take off."[2]

Thus the March elections are to be won through the radio. Radio plus aeroplane plus record. To enhance the omnipresence of radio - and only for this reason - Hitler and Goebbels often fly several times a day criss-cross through Germany in the following weeks up to the 5th of March. To always be elsewhere and still to be everywhere always, just like the radio. Endless minutes of preamble, a glorified descriptive report by Goebbels, then Hitler speaking before roaring crowds, the entire show broadcast live on "Hier ist der Deutschlandsender. Hier sind alle Deutschen Sender." (Here is the German station. Here are all German stations.), recorded on wax disk and broadcast again the following day. On February 15, Stuttgart; on the 17th, Dortmund, Westfalenhalle; on the 18th, Munich; 19th Cologne; 23rd, Hannover; etc. etc. Goebbels' diary finally abbreviates this iterative radio-propaganda concept to the laconic formula: "Nachmittags nach Köln. Dort Hitler. Ich Reportage." (In the afternoon, on to Cologne. There Hitler. I commentary.)[3]

"There Hitler. I commentary". Radio is reduced to this concept by the fascist propaganda machine. The realm of radio, and Goebbels discovers this very precisely, is the axis dividing and splitting the place and space of radio. There the recording studio, as Kisch says, and here the control room. There speaking, here listening. There Hitler, here commentary. An axis that also goes through time and the concept of time: There earlier, here later: There technical and physical time, here the simulated fiction of absolute presence.[4]

No we are not dreaming: 600,000 SA - men, the population of a large city, gathered on the evening of the 8th of April, 1933 everywhere on the squares of the cities of the Reich simultaneously, to actually stand at attention in front of loudspeakers; and thereby in front of truely bodiless entities; they paraded in front of the voices of Hittler and Goebbels. 1 million people will then gather on the runway of the airport in Berlin to exalt in front of the at that time Iargest ever erected loudspeaker system in technical history, which, by the way, fails at the end because the transformers burn out.

The 1st of May (labour day), a radio day, starting with reports of the arrival of labour delegations in the morning, then radio dramas and radio piclures, and in the evening: Hitler's speech.

Goebbles' cunningly knew what all this was meant to achieve. This makes the difference to all previous radio theorists. We know from Goebbels speeches, which still exist in the original, that he knew the time dimension of his calculated radio implementations exactly: simulation is a function of time or simply said, one should not be always beating the drum. [5][6]


[1] Elke Fröhlich (Hrg), Die Tagebücher von loseph Goebbels. Säämtliche fragmente, München 1987, p. 37 ff.

[2] ibid.

[3] ibid., p. 379

[4] The medial place of radio, where is it? In front of or behind the microphone? The propaganda lechnician Goebbels discovers it in-between, as expected. "There Hitler, I commentary" starts the changing axes of the radio realm into motion and thereby causes the initiation of a cognitive force Ihat can stage ilself as the continued Ersatz, as the shifted supplement of an unreal omnipotence in a lechnically real form. But only by neither imaging this omnipotence nor wanting to be omnipotent itseI[, Ihe unreal becomes eifeetive cognitively as a movement of omnipotence. "Omnipotence is not. It is (only) because it thinks ilself to be", says the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Radio is the chosen medium for this precarious omnipotence fantasy, which, because it is continuously dividing, is not and therefore becomes more effective. This is the long term simulation of omnipotence, the staging of reality. Jacques Lacan, Radiaphonie, in: Scillicet 2/3, 1970, p. 89

[5] Wolfram Wessels, Trommeln für die Volksgemeinschaft, SWF 1983

[6] With the programme reform of 1934, practically all of the usual wordy propaganda transmissions disappeared from regular daily Reichsrundfunk programming. Because the effect of radio is never timeless or absolute. And once again: There Goebbels, here Kolb. The recording and the cut, therefore manipulation of the time axes and rhetoric shift, the simple mechanical effects of the production apparatus with which Goebbels uses the radio, Richard Kolb must deny them all. While Goebbels uses Ithe channel and plays with its time axes to simulate fantasies, Kolb has to reduce the channel back to its uni-directionality in order to hide the trick. The most influential radio broadcasting theorist of the century, Richard Kolb, thus persistently denies radio any form of pre-recording or recording, as funny as it may sound to us today. "A radio play unfolding before us is made up of such delicate spiritual vibrations - each breath can be felt - that they can't be reproduced by a record. The spiritual experience has ... its power only through immediacy, through simultaneaus experience." p. 502
Kolb has short circuited technology and semantics. Goebbels has not. Kolb declares, as a metaphysical law, that the information-technological basis of radio is always and only as a transmission medium. Goebbels uses this metaphysics as a tool of propaganda. Precisely this is the difference between fiction and simulation.

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[6] "Fiction and Simulation"