My name is Jasmina Tesanovic and I am the author of the Diary from Belgrade. I don't want to be anonymous, but nobody asked me that. I think that publicity is the main guardian angel of clean politics.

Sincerely yours,

Jasmina Tesanovic

WEEK 1: March 26 - 28, 1999

WEEK 2: March 29 - April 4, 1999

WEEK 3: April 5 - 11, 1999

WEEK 4: April 12th - 18, 1999

WEEK 5: April 19th - 25, 1999

WEEK 6: April 26 - ...., 1999

DISCLAIMER: I'm not affiliated with any of the sides in current conflict on Balkans. I'm a 21 years old student of computer sciences at the University of Belgrade. I don't support violence as a way of solving any conflict. You are about to read only one tiny part of my experiences concerning goddamned war in my living environment.

Slobodan Markovic

excerpts from the diary of Slobodan Markovic
both diaries were posted on the nettime mailing list - <www.nettime.org>