So what did I do? I took a text of Hank Bull and convolved it with different
homemade 1.)For comparison my original voice, speaking underwater
in the 2.)IR (Impulse response): kitchen-sink filled with
water. 3.)I am not arguing here for a happy global community
of computer 4.)IR: letting the water out of the kitchen sink. 5.)National mass-media networks are designed to centralize
and control information flow, when communications systems should be used
on a much more local and esoteric level. 6.)IR Bowl filled with water 7.)Politically, a problem develops whenever administration
is separate 8.)IR espresso cup filled with lukewarm coffee (not
to kill the mike) 9.)Structurally, the battlefield is divided into two
interlocking areas 10.)IR psion palmtop 3mx 11.)The strategy is to aim for a very loose structure. 12.)IR Toy sampler 13.)The ideal is to have no structure at all and to
move freely between 14.)IR me sipping the coffee 15.)Be on different networks - the radio network, the
mail network, the 16.)IR splashing in the bowl 17.)Be on your local scene. 18.)IR Ukelele 19.)Be internationally famous. 20.)IR turntable 21.)Use the museums. 22.)IR banjo 23.)Start your own gallery. 24.)IR relay 25.)Sell to collectors. Give your work away for free. 26.)IR lapsteel 27.)Avoid bureaucracy. 28.)IR my voice box 29.)Visit each other. 30.)IR E-guitar 31.)Use computer mail systems. 32.)IR screw falling in kitchen-sink 33.)Contribute to magazines. Subscribe. 34.)Learn to operate machines. It's easy. convolved
with 35.)IR E-guitar long. (The order has no deeper meaning) ( For the all to serious: I know that, strictly taken,
convolution works |