Brice Pauset

geboren 1965 in Besançon, studierte Musik und mittelalterliche Philosophie. Von 1984 bis 1986 studierte er Komposition und elektroakustische Musik bei Michel Zbar in Boulogne-Billancourt, außerdem Klavier. In dieser Zeit befaßte sich Pauset verstärkt mit Barockmusik und historischen Musikinstrumenten. Kompositionsstudien bei Michel Philippot, Gérard Frisey und Alain Blancquart in Paris sowie bei Pierre Boulez, Klaus Huber, Henri Dutilleux und Karlheinz Stockhausen schlossen sich an. Unterricht erhielt er außerdem bei Franco Donatoni in Sienna und Brian Ferneyhough in Royaument. Pauset lebt in Paris.

Born in Besançon in 1965, Brice Pauset studied piano, violin, and the harpsichord before beginning his explorations of writing and composition. An award-winner from the Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la Vocation in 1994, as well as an intern at IRCAM from 1994 to 1996, he has since devoted his career to the composition and performance of his own works, as well as works from the classical repertory, on the harpsichord and piano. He regularly collaborates with IRCAM, the Festival d'Automne in Paris, the Ensemble Accroche-Note, in Belgiumen with the Ars Musica Festival, in Vienna with the Klangforum, and in Germany with Radio SWR et WDR, the Berlin Biennial, and the Ensemble Recherche. His works sometimes require unexpected performers in the domain of contemporary music : Vanités, premiered by Gérard Lesne and Il seminario musicale at Royaumont, and Kontra-Sonate sur la Sonate D845 de Franz Schubert by Andreas Staier in Hagen and in Paris in June 2001. The WDR commissioned a work from him for the end of 2002 for the Musica antica (Cologne) and Recherche (Freibourg) ensembles. The Diotima quartet regularly performs his first two quartets, and in September 2001 performed the third quartet, which was the subject of a Royaumont workshop. The Freibourg in Bresgau Opera commissioned a work from him for the end of 2004, a theatrical work for voice, Baroque ensemble, choir, orchestra, and electronics, during which he will collaborate with Kwamé Ryan, the Freiburger Barockorchester, the Freibourg choir and orchestra, and the Heinrich-Strobel Foundation's Experimentalstudio.

ORF-Kunstradio Broadcasts:

03.11. 2002: "musikprotokoll 02 - transfert graz roma wien"