Ivan Palacky is a musician and architect. In the 1980s
and at the beginning of the 1990s, Palacky played with various groups
and took part in several music projects. At the end of the 1990s he
founded the guitar/double bass/bassoon group Slede, zive slede
(Herring, live herring) and since 2003 he has performed in an
audiovisual duo called Koberce, zaclony/Carpets, Curtains (with VJ Vera
Lukasova). He "writes" a sound diary of his journeys collecting excerpts of stories, weird sounds and various acoustic mistakes. He likes to take part in one-shot improvisational groups or duos (such as with Cremaster (E), Ruth Barberán (E) and Margarida Garcia (P), Will Guthrie (AUS), Andrea Neumann (D), Klaus Filip (A), Angharad Davies (GB), Steve Beresford (GB), Toshimaru Nakamura (JAP) and Tetuzi Akiyama (JAP) among others), as well as playing solo performances. Since 2005 his main interest has been to dig out sounds from an amplified 1970s Dopleta knitting machine. Published in 2006 at the Danish-American label Errant Bodies, which focuses on contemporary experimental music and its overlapping into art, the DVD-Video Carpets Curtains documents Palacky’s long collaboration with the video artist Filip Cenek. In 2009 Palacky founded the label "Uceroz" and since then he has released two studio albums recorded with his favorite collaborators. He lives in Brno, Czech republic. Kunstradio projects: |