is a hybrid researcher and transdisciplinary designer focused on hybrid media ecologies that address intimate interdependencies between humans, more-than-humans and the technologies that interweave them in order to enable odd sympathies and post-anthropocentric futures. Part of Hackuarium biohackerspace and satellite of the Hackteria network, she currently operates from Les Ateliers de Bellevaux (Lausanne). She nourishes from and with a community of artists / doers / hackers with a sensibility to subvert the dominating role of traditional science and technology. She has presented her work at Darmstädter Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Darmstadt, 2016), Cafe Oto (London, 2017), London Biennale (London, 2018), Ecovisionarrios at LABoral (Gijón, 2019) and HeK (Basel, 2019), La Gaité Lyrique (Paris, 2017), Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao, 2018), Touch Me Festival (Zagreb, 2017), Fak'ugesi Festival (Johannesburg, 2019), Chronus Art Center (Shanghai, 2019), Klangmoorschopfe (Gaïs, 2017).
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