Ines Lechleitner is an interdisciplinary artist and performer using a variety of
mediums such as photography, sound, video, sculpture, drawing, scent and food.
Her research focuses on systems of nonverbal communication and aims for
situations of interdisciplinary dialogue.
Ines Lechleitner was a researcher at the Jan Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht (NL) and studied in the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris (BA/MA), NSCAD in Halifax(CA) and the San Francisco Art Institute (US). Teaching experience (selection): Muthesius art academy Kiel, HfG Karlsruhe, Sheffield art institute, University for music and performing arts Vienna, University of Freiburg. Ines Lechleitner is a member of Errant Sound, Berlin, Saloon , a network of women in the arts, Berlin and FLUSS society for photography and media arts, AT. Selected solo and group exhibitions: 2018 : Dystopia Sound Art Festival Berlin-Istanbul, Berlin, DE, Tier-Bild-Ton , Errant Sound, Berlin, DE 2017: Color Correspondence , Berlin Food Art Week; Anima_l, Schloss Wolkersdorf (AT), In the Sound field III , Errant Sound, Berlin, Im Fluss , Fotoforum Innsbruck; 2016: Animal Lovers , NGbK, Berlin, Das Rhein Rauschen , Villa Renata, Basel, Wa(h)lverwandschaft , Galerie Kunstbüro, Vienna, D&ammerschlaf , Galerie km0, Innsbruck. 2015: I have always imagined that paradise would be some kind of library, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; The Inner Acoustic , Errant Bodies, Berlin, Animal Turn- Die Hinwendung zum Tier, Städtische Galerie, Waldkraiburg, Saloon, Sexauer Gallery, Berlin, Closer to Gaza , Kühlhaus Berlin. 2014: PER/FORM, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid. 2013: Imagine Two Rivers, Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg; Platzwechsel, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne, Imagine Two Rivers 3 , L40-Verein für Kunst und Kultur um den Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin. 2012: Le son des mots , Fondation Cartier, Paris; Objets Reposés, M_Museum, Leuven. Selected publications: Tiere auf der Bühne - eine ästhetische Ökologie der Performance , by Max Haas, Kulturverlag Kadmos, DE, December 2018; Dystopie , catalogue, Errant Sound, Berlin, DE, 2018; Wissenskulturen im Dialog , University of music and applied arts Vienna, Transcript Verlag, 2017; Animal Lovers, catalogue, NGbK, Berlin, 2016; Das Rhein Rauschen, artistedition and perfume, Back Bone Books, 2016; Dämmerschlaf , catalogue, Galerie km0, Innsbruck, 2016; Animal Turn - Die Hinwendung zum Tier, catalogue, Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, 2015; The Imagines , monography, Sternberg Press, Berlin/New York; Per/Form- How to do things with (out) words, Sternberg Press/ CA2M, Sternberg Press 2014; Notes on: Imagine Two Rivers- The Search for the Elbe-Yamuna Perfume, artist edition with perfumes, 2013; Imagine Two Rivers- The Elbe-Yamuna Perfume, perfume edition with Yogesh Kumar 2013; Vom Duft der Flüsse, collaboration with Kusch & Beckmann on radio feature, Deutschlandfunk, 2013; Tierstudien 03/ Tierlieben , Zeofilis Verlag, Berlin, 2013; Nature , Text Magazin, Berlin, 2012; Menschen & Andere , Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Akademie Verlag, 2011; Brutalist Speculations and Flights of Fancy , Site Gallery, Sheffield, 2011; Convivio , Centre d’art Contemporain La Micro‘Onde, Vélizy - Paris, 2011; Puzzle Box, artist book, Jan van Eyck Academie, NL 2009; A Space of Translation, radio feature for Kunstradio OE1, 2009; Pièce de cinéma , artistbook, Jan van Eyck Academie, 2007. Sendungen im ORF KUNSTRADIO: |