Sonntag, 7. Juli 2019, 23:03 - 0:00, Ö1



„Das unsichtbare Lager”
by Andreas Hagelüken and Christoph Mayer

Audiopiece based on Audioweg Gusen
by Christoph Mayer CHM through an built up concentration camp


Gusen is a completely normal place in Upper Austria and was a large Nazi concentration camp. Gusen is both at the same time: tens of thousands of people fell victim to the concentration camp. A short time later, people found a new home here. Due to its proximity to Linz and its industrial facilities, the place offered - even after the war of economic importance - an affordable opportunity to resettle at above-average land prices.

Since 2007, the AUDIOWEG GUSEN, which is permanently installed on site, has been presenting the positions of the people associated with this location. One can listen to residents, former prisoners, a former Wehrmacht soldier from the guards and an SS man from the camp.

The radio piece "The Invisible Camp" condenses this polyphony into an imaginary tour of this place, a journey that does not focus on suffering, but enables one and the same place to be discovered from completely different perspectives. "The invisible Camp" is neither a historical-scientific undertaking nor a "memorial" in the conventional sense. As an art project, it provides space for the experience of radical "disagreement", he confrontation with the contradictory identities of this place, with forgetting - and with one's own identity.

Realisation: Christoph Mayer CHM und Andreas Hagelüken
Music: Kai-Uwe Kohlschmidt
Voice: Jule Böwe u.a.

KZ-Gedenkstätte Gusen
Audioweg Gusen