Three writers make an attempt at communicating without language. They remain in their familiar field, so to speak, but operate with different, new tools. In this radio piece, the theremin functions as a kind of "talking instrument"for Ann Cotten (author, plays transverse flute), Hanno Millesi (author, e-guitar), and Liesl Ujvary (author, electronics), one that they - all novices to this instrument - explore with great curiosity and experimental verve.
In addition, Liesl Ujvary operates a Kaosspad, a simple device that filters the sounds of the theremin in different ways.
Liesl Ujvary mixed the seperate tracks, creating compositions which draw out a panorama of the human condition: direct, poignant, and non-verbal.
"language is not formed with the mouth here; here words or sentences aren't articulated - here a theremin is speaking, an early synthesizer, developed around 100 years ago by lev theremin, a russian inventor and engineer. the theremin is based on electrical induction. it has 2 antennae which produce sounds which are manipulated by gesticulating with one's hands and by general physical expression. the sonic potential of the theremin shows a great variety: from piercing shrieks to deep buzzes and drones; from smooth swishes to refined trickles or bubbling ripples - all of these sonic landscapes can be produced with the theremin. it doesn't imitate natural sounds, even if the sounds produced resemble such. they rather represent innermost psychic, emotional ongoings which, densly and seemingly effortlessly, gush into the the physical outer world.
Liesl Ujvary
Listen to Artist-Statements:
Conceived, composed, and mixed by Liesl Ujvary.
Using Moog Etherwave Theremin and Kaosspad II.