Kunstradio Podcast-Primer

[ Deutsche Version ]

Since October 10, 2005, Kunstradio is making all its broadcasts (from September 2005 onwards) available also as podcasts. You can find a brief introduction about podcasts and how to use them here.

*) What is a podcast?

Podcasts (english term derived from broadcast and iPod) are contents which are provided especially for portable audio-MP3-players. The use of contents available on demand is greatly simplified for the user by using podcasts.

*) What do you need to listen to a podcast?

A portable MP3 Player

To listen to a podcast you need a podcast application and an internet address from which you subscribe the podcast

Kunstradio Podcast:

*) How does a podcast work?

A podcast is a file saved in a format which can be read by a great number of programmes (xml). Kunstradio’s podcast includes all broadcasts plus titles, info data, and links (from September 2005 onwards).

Users simply subscribe this file with their respective podcast application, thus having access to Kunstradio contents also without web browser. With only a few clicks you can download a programme onto your portable audio-MP3-player and listen to it whenever you like.

This podcast is based on a standard which diverse producers of podcast software have agreed on. The standard is open and may be used by everybody; as a consequence, many different programmes can deal with podcast data.

*) Which podcast applications are available?

There is a great range of different applications that can deal with podcasts, for instance:

For Microsoft Windows:
iTunes (ab Version 4.9) http://www.apple.com/itunes/
ipodder http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/
doppler http://www.dopplerradio.net/

For the Apple Macintosh:
iTunes (ab Version 4.9) http://www.apple.com/itunes/
ipodderx http://ipodderx.com/
ipodder http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/index.php

For Linux:
ipodder http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/
gpodcast http://www.perli.net/projekte/gpodder/
amarok http://amarok.kde.org/