3 Corner Tellus - 3 city live collaborative remix of Harvestworks TellusTools

A Kunstradio Contribution to send+receive by Peter Szely.

October 18th 03:00 - 04:00am CEST
October 17th 20:00 - 21:00pm North America CST

"3 Corner Tellus" was a live collaborative remix between Harvestworks, New York, send+receive, Winnipeg and Kunstradio, Vienna. The double vinyl and online project "Tellus Tools" released by the Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, NYC, was functioning as basic material for this live webcast.

In the Kunstradio office the Austrian artist Peter Szely was using samples of the "Tellus Tools", the live audio streams of his partners (David Grubbs, New York and duul.drv & DJ Kornelius, Winnipeg) and material by cargnelli/szely - mostly soundscapes recorded during their stay in Mexico City ( listen ).

The on air version of the "3 Corner Tellus" by cargnelli/szely was broadcasted on Kunstradio on October, 21st - 23:00 CEST.

kunstradio home  cargnelli-szely.net


 send and receive stream
 harvest works stream
 live stream vienna