...Survay of human language.... ... next page

"Survey of human languages"

An acoustical maze

We are collecting a lot of poetry (lyrics, short prose) form writers from the countries participating in horizontal radio.

This text particles will be arranged as WWW-documents and will be stored on our WWW-Server at the ORF in Linz.
Thus at home everybody who is connected to the WWW can read all this texts of all this writers just by clicking on the keywords, can navigate through their stories and languages (some of the texts are translated most of them not, but the work with different languages is one of the main concerns of horizontal radio).

Well but that's not all: Due to a special software the Computer in Linz recognises all the operations from the users and so whenever one of this pages will be activated from somebody somewhere in the world the computer will start to play the recorded voice of the writer reading exactly that part of text which is currently on the screen of somebody. So if the person who is reading the text via Internet is also listening to our radio program he could hear also the text via radio.

If only a few persons are in the Network reading and navigating through the texts, we only will have a few voices (different languages, different sound of speech). But if more people are doing this we will get a very dense multilingual maze or labyrinth. (As experience shows the amount of activity in such a Network varies very much so we'll get very dynamic sound pieces.)
In Linz we will put this voices into an installation with 12 loudspeakers spread out all over the room so that the voices will come from all directions...
And we will put this "survey of human languages" periodically on air.

We also can send this material to every interested radio station, and we also could restrict the access to this "poetry-database" so that e.g. only one person from one of the radio stations could get access and thus could control the whole sound environment.

What we would need from you is rather short pieces of text (lyrics, prose) as text, on paper (but better would be on floppy disk) and also on a tape red by the writer or some other person in their mother tongue.

Furthermore, if you are also able to set-up a WWW-Server for this project we would supply you with the necessary software. It would be nice to have this "survey" spread out in the network.

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