"Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the twentieth century."
-J.G. Ballard

"Technology is our belief in technology; the future is our faith in the permanence of the present. Neither has a singular dynamic. "
Editors of Future Imperfict Netzine

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
-- George Orwell - "1984"

"When I get to school, I punch my identification number into the computer in front of my classroom door. I walk to my stall, number 2009, and turn on my computer. My instructions for study are already up on the screen, but I decide to see if there is any mail for me first. I respond to a couple of letters and go to work on my morning assignment. I am to study the economies of six different countries and compare them."
Anna Mitcham
9th Grade Student
Central High School
Macon, Georgia