Auriéle Lierman

Aurélie Lierman studied Audiovisual Art and Radio in Rits (Brussel 2002): trained to be a radio journalist but also introduced to anything imaginable from vocal art to installation art. After graduating Aurélie Lierman worked for years at the VRT (Belgian radio) while already dedicating her life to music (The Screaming Bitches, Solas Anocht, Transparant & Insect, Muziek Lod, Varkenshond). 

Aurélie Lierman has won the PIARS Competition, Category Soundscapes (Rome, June 2013) and the GRAND PRIX NOVA (3rd prize, Bucharest, October 2013). Aurélie Lierman also released [SIC] her first album with Nurse With Wound (October 2013)

Kunstradio events:

24.02.2014: Im Zauberberg

Kunstradio broadcasts: