Barbara Huber

Barbara Huber (1976, Linz/AT)
lives and works in and for different EU countries. Fighting her way through the job jungle after studying philosophy in Vienna and ended up at the radio station FRO in Linz. Sound installations, experimental radio shows followed as well as workshop tours through CEE countries for audio and open source programmes and systems. Various artistic projects and performances followed like the online database projects karasssuite or soundsource. Co-founder of the organisation COL-ME in Bratislava in 2007. Currently working on the project TIK - Time Inventors' Kabinet - a collaborative project with OKNO, BE and ESC, AT.

Kunstradio Sendungen:

06. 03. 2011: „gleich gut – 100 Jahre Frauentag“ – Kunstradio Teil 1:  "electronic de-composer - eine de-komposition in einem teil" gemeinsam mit Reni Hofmüller