Ivan Boreš

Ivan (*1976) is an innovator and inventor of a couple of guitar techniques. He devotes himself to compositions activities for ¼ and ½ guitar; he cooperates with performers and composers of contemporaneous music. He performed his author´s compositions e.g. in Manchester /UK/ for Guitar Circle /concert series 2012 /, guitar interpreter seminars in Zurich /University of the Arts /in International Guitar Festival BRNO 2010.
He also performed at the Echoflux 2011 festival, The Guitar transversely the Genres 2010, Vadehas festival 2009 /Mandoe/, in a concert hall in Paxos-Greece and many other places in Europe /also as a club musician in Tomáš Mach´s band and Císař band/. At present he also plays in OEM Arts band /object, electronic, music/, he has found the metal band VAN, devotes himself to the project called Wind and Whiff and plays flamenco.
His repertoire embraces wide range of classical musical styles from 16th century till present days and his own compositions. (Zdeňek) 

Sendungen im ORF-Kunstradio:03

10. 08. 2014: „Listening Proposals of  Czech Radio’s Radiocustica program"