Sonntag, 03. September 2023, 22:05 - 23:00, Ö1



Der Ernstfall

by Paula Dorten


by Adina Camhy und Katrin Euller

KONTINUUM: Waterline

by Anna Friz und Peter Courtemanche

Der Ernstfall
a radio drama by Paula Dorten, created in a Writers Room with the students of the Max Reinhardt Seminar.

Der Ernstfall
  • © Kerstin Schütze

  • In the meanwhile routine outcry against climate stickers, people sometimes lose sight of what not only young people feel compelled to do: to fight in the streets on behalf of all those who consider driving a car as a human right, against the ignorance and laziness of older generations, and for a future they consider worth living. Because people are still pretending that the rapidly progressing climate change can somehow be turned around in the fast lane by a higher power, i.e. new technologies. It is not. In fact, it has been occurring for a long time, and therefore it is exactly what people in Europe have always believed to be "elsewhere": a serious emergency.

    The students of the Max Reinhardt Seminar, together with the young author Paula Dorten, have thought through such an emergency and have written a piece in which they use the means of their art to make themselves heard. It is about the omnipresent fear, the helplessness and the vulnerability of an entire generation. What seemed to be fiction in the cold winter days in a Writers Room may already be reality: drinking water shortages. Because:

    "Nothing can be grasped. Nothing can be felt in naked joy without pain. Everyday life is drowning in a senselessness, banality. Nothing can be done without thinking that it won't help the future. Brushing your teeth doesn't help the future."

    In two days, the state of emergency was playfully tested and recorded, at ORF's radio play studio RP4. "The Z", an important voice of the last generation at every climate demo, contributed two songs. The songs represent a concentrated creative energy and a lot of talent with the clear intention of shaking up and encouraging Ö1 listeners to show solidarity with them, to change perspectives and habits - for a common future worth living.

    Mit Pilar Borower, Laura Dittmann, Nico Dorigatti, Lenya Gramß, Nils Hausotte. Eren Kavukoglu, Simon Löcker, Seide Noffke, Alexandra Schmidt, sowie Paul Kraker und Felizitas Lipp.

  • Music: The Z & Noir Desir
  • Sound Design: Martin Leitner und David Lipp
  • Authors: Paula Dorten und die Studierenden des Max Reinhardt Seminars
  • Headwriter & Direction: Kerstin Schütze

  • Wetland
    by Adina Camhy und Katrin Euller


    Ö1 Kunstradio commissioned two young artists, Adina Camhy and Katrin Euller, to create a new remix from the recordings of two Kunstradio Live broadcasts of the "Landscape Soundings" project from 1990.

    Wetland relates Bill Fontana's "Landscape Soundings" to current climate protests in Vienna - around the now cancelled construction of the Lobautunnel and the planned city road. Excerpts from Fontana's work were heavily altered by the artists using machines and effects devices, combined with voices from the Ö1 broadcast Hörbilder "Kampf um den Lobautunnel" and chants from the global climate movement. Recordings from the Hainburger Au (1990), distorted to the point of unfamiliarity, collide with impressions from the protest camp of the LobauBleibt movement.

    The resulting piece portrays a contested landscape whose ecosystems are once again under threat from current construction plans as well as from the effects of the climate crisis. Wetland is also a portrait of a generation shaped by fears and anxieties about the future, and driven by the urgency to change things together.

    by Anna Friz und Peter Courtemanche


    a 365 day generative radio stream, April 2023 - March 2024, takes place in the framework of KONTINUUM by Deutschlandfunk Kultur und Ö1 Kunstradio.


  • Links:
  • Max Reinhardt Seminar
  • Wetland Erstsendung
  • Waterline Erstsendung