Sonntag, 28. November 2021, 23:00 - 0:00, Ö1



EINSAME AMEISEN AMNESIE. Ein Klangcomic frei nach Anestis Logothetis

by Rdeča Raketa (Maja Osojnik und Matija Schellander) und Natascha Gangl

An author production on commission of Wien Modern and ORF Kunstradio, 2021.

Between 1971 and 1975, the composer Anestis Logothetis produced a series of score fragments whose central motifs are insects.

In 2021, these sketches will become the starting point for an audio piece and a live audiovisual performance. Interpreted for the first time by the composer duo Rdeča Raketa (Maja Osojnik and Matija Schellander), the author Natascha Gangl and the media artist Nikolaos Zachariadis, Logothetis' experiments in sound language will be made accessible to the public.

As a composer, Anestis Logothetis was as devoted to the medium of radio as he was to electronic music; he produced several radio plays and was an avant-gardist of electronic music in Austria. Logothetis drew his insect sketches with pencil, biros or ink on graph paper. [...] Names of ants, butterflies, moths, and quotations from biology, cybernetics and Greek mythology trigger Logothetis' associative language games on these sheets. And when arranged, they lead the viewer, from organic ornaments to wild explosions, into collisions of state and social forms.