Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020, 23:03 - 0:00, Ö1



A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio
A radio sound art collage by Gabi Schaffner


A garden in the air, a garden in the aether! Datscha Radio has been disseminating its radiophonic seeds since 2012. There are conversations, concerts, sound experiments and on-the-fly improvisations; all sown, watered, (cross)pollinated and harvested between watering can and mixer desk. Datscha Radio relies on the garden as a matrix and metaphor for organic growth, communication and community. As a temporary and nomadic project, the radio station travels to nearby and distant gardens, broadcasts at exceptional and or unusal times, and combines radio art with contemporary discourses on ecology, interstellar matter, listening and knowledge cultures.

Datscha Radio Berlin was co-founded by Gabi Schaffner in 2012. Since 2016 it has been realized together with Helen Thein, Kate Donovan and Xenia Helms. In 2019, the project won the Award of the Free Project Spaces and Initiatives Berlin.

List of Artists and Titles

- Intros Datscha Radio from 2017 and 2019
- Sarah Washington: Analogue Birds, Datscha Radio 2014 (Backdrop)
- Hidden Stories Singers (Dafne Della Dafne, Rosanna Lovell, Zara Verity Morris, Shanti Suki Osman, Mary Beth Volker): Let Us All Speak Our Minds by Elizabeth Knight
- Martha Zapparoli: Improvisation – inaudible sound project
- Silky Toss & Pete de Ville: Sugar Bee by Eddy Schuler
- Frieder Butzmann. Twitter Twitter Tirili
- Seamus O’Donnell and Mi Ho: Freshly Squeezed Juice (Backdrop)
- Introduction Niki Matita, Datscha Abendchor with Seamus O’Donnell, Mi Ho, Rosanna Lovell, Hans Kellett, Mat Pogo, Zelda Panda
- Introduction Niki Matita (with JD Zazie), Marek Brandt: Musik für Nacktschnecken
- Introduction Kate Donovan, Gabi Schaffner, Hans Kellett: Gardening with Perennials for Winter Interest, Hannes Wienert: Horchfelder 
- Datscha Radio Madrid Jingle with KTA Martin, Eva Kurly, Alberto Garcia and Romi Casile
- Niina Lehtonen-Braun: Pikku Lintu
- Tech Check. Donovan, Schaffner, Thein
- Niina Lehtonen-Braun: Iltakahvit
- Kat Austen: The Beetles’ Harvest Supper
- Helen Thein and Christy Spackman: The Scent of Water
- Hans Kellett: Polar Star. From the series „10 (S)Cent Poems“ by Gabi Schaffner
- Niki Matita and Walter Schulze: Secret-en-plein-aire
- Introduction: Niki Matita, Lukatoyboy: 7“ Bird Vinyls (Backdrop)
- Mimi Coertse: The Nightingale and the Rose, 1932. By Camille Saint-Saens. Nightingale. Live Stream Nightgardening.
- Jari Koho: Piano / FM Radio / Loop (Backdrop)
- Helena Otto: Lecture "Moon & Beetroot“ from the performance „To the Belly and Back“ with Jasmina Al-Qaisi
- Niki Matita and Walter Schulze: Secret-en-plein-aire (Backdrop)
- Ela Spalding: lectur from „The Anthropocene“ by Christian Schwägerl
- Kate Donovan: Gratitude Ritual
- Ana Berkenhoff: Beast Jetzt (Tiny Sample)
- Ela Spalding: Sundown
- Marold Langer-Philippsen: Maschkera (The Night Garden)
- Peggy Sylopp mit Gabi Schaffner: Dämmerungsspaziergang
- Jingle 
- Sarah Washington: Datscha Owl, Datscha Radio 2012
- Zusammenstellung, Schnitt and zusätzliche Töne: Gabi Schaffner, 2020

History of the project
2012 Datscha Radio - A Garden in the Air (in cooperation with
2014 Compost & Poesis - 100 Days of Datscha Radio (art award Landesgartenschau Gießen, Hessia)
2017 Plots & Prophecies - Parzellenprognosen (in cooperation with Free Radio Berlin Brandenburg and Free Radio Potsdam)
2017 nomination of Berlin European Award “Blauer Bär”
2018 Datscha Radio Madrid (Medialab Prado)
2018 Datscha Radio: Unearthing the Archive (Ausstellung RAUMOHNERAUM#3, Berlin)
2019 Datscha Radio Taiwan (Residenz Treasurehill Taipei Artist Village/Goethe-Institut)
2019 Project award of the Free Project Spaces and Initiatives Berlin
2019 Night Gardening I-III, three long-term transmission events; broadcast from three different gardens in Berlin from sunset to sunrise)

Datscha Radio - a garden on air
Datscha Radio on Mixcloud