Sunday, 30. September 2018, 23:03 - 00:00, Ö1



Communicating Monologues (being there is everything)
Commissioned piece for Ars Electronica 2018 „ERROR – The Art of Imperfection“,
premiered on September 9th 2018 in the framework of Große Konzertnacht, Post City, Gleishalle

Jaap Blonk - voice and computer
Josef Klammer - sythetic voices and e-percussion


Since many years Jaap Blonk deals with the human voice. Also in his piece Oslo-1, which is a duo improvisation with Maja Ratkje and is published on the CD "MAJAAP" (2004).

Oslo-1 1:53

The media musician Josef Klammer is also looking for ways to deepen the dialogue between people and machines. "Interlude Clown" was made by Josef Klammer as in between music for breaks, oscillating between realities. It also was premiered on September 9th, 2018 at the Great Concert Night of the Ars Electronica 2018.

Interlude Clown 11:37

How does Josef Klammer’s concert colleague Jaap Blonk sound? “Blaf” – means in dutch to bark like a dog – published on the CD “Bek” which means “mouth”. All-vocal minimal Techno from 2001.

Blaf 4:04

Another example is “Exit Only” by the dutch artist Jaap Blonk.

Exit Only 6:31

Together, Josef Klammer and Jaap Blonk have designed the commissioned work “Communicating Monologues (being there is everything) for the Ars Electronica Festival 2018 under the motto "ERROR - The Art of Imperfection".

Communicating Monologues (being there is everything) 29:32

Take off and leave Alexa or Google Assistant alone in your Smart Home, so s/he/it is free to carry on monologues and collect data. Deactivate your mobile toy—Siri or Bixby—and listen to the music of Blonk and Klammer and their communicating monologues.

Both artists have been working for several years now with language and voice — Jaab Blonk with BLIPAX (Blonk’s IPA eXtended) and his algorithmic sound poems; Josef Klammer with text-to-speech software and the precise fallibility of these linguistic prostheses. These men generate their music in both digital and analog fashion from the International Phonetic Alphabet, phonemes, words, sequences of letters and punctuation marks.

In this project, Blonk and Klammer blend congenial synthetic and human voices into a concert evening for soloists and choirs full of onomatopoeia.

Being there is what matters!

Fotos: Tom Mesic