
Ein Hörspiel. Als Schritt-zu-Kopf-Beatmung.


Steps, text, composition, editing, mixing:Bruno Pisek

Drawings: Denisa Angheluța

program page 02. 07. 2017

sound PLAY




To hear steps. To follow the path once more by radio. During walking and during re-listening: activating the hippocampis and building up memory: what is sounding step by step, which thoughts appear as multilingual choirs, what are the counting-measures of a Radioschrittmacher [radio-pace-maker] and how turns this into music, which is our walking speed and again and again this image: with every step we also step on a radio signal. All of this I wanted to make audible.



To see radio. It started with drawing which followed the listenung. Then Denisa Angheluța made the radioplay visible, chapter by chapter. Sometimes chapters changed again afterwards following her transformations. The cooperation as an interrelation.


„Thank you for your list, it helps a lot! Here i send to you a new version; I started from our eleven shared works and through comparing while listening again i ended up with this version; what do you think? And here are the scans of two of the „genähte Zeichnungen“, one is in the list;“ [D.A.]



CAPTER 1          00:00

Starts with the answer to the questions: What if every step we make only makes the radiosignals audible, which surround us? And what if the rhythm of our steps is not accentuated by a beat but by brushing the drumskin, a sound, which is closer to breathing? And how can we combine these sound-translations with the real sound of the steps, but in a way that turns the listening towards a more concentrated form? And how can I find ways to make the music audible, which lies already in the steps when I listen to them? The radio operator was really sitting with his radio transceiver on top of the mountain. He reminded me once again that the air also up in the mountains is full of radio signals. Also here on the Kordeschkopf. -. With every step a new thought appears.


„At first I made watercolor from Schöllkraut, celandine and some other leaves, but i realized that the whole process of finding different plants for watercolor, preparing and using them, takes ages and the pigment obtained is weak. So I started to use the plants directly, pressing them against the paper. It is much more intense like this. The green comes mainly from Lonicera caprifolium leaves, but also from linden and mulberry tree; the yellow from dandelion flowers.“ [D.A.]



CAPTER 2          04:00

Step by Step. Double-choir. For two ears, two brain-hemispheres, two legs, two lobes of the lung. Walking along the horizon of memory on hillside location. Thought-fermentation and step-to-head-resuscitaion. Neurologic science puts it into similar words. Which brought me to the decision to set the recordings of nerve-impulses, which I recorded at the University of Vienna, as a musical piece. Nerve-music: we listen to ourselves while thinking.

„When i read your words about the prints, yes, it is different to see the images on paper. I did the same with the text from your pieces and it helped a lot, it brought hearing and seeing the words in a stronger relation. And closer to the meaning.“ [D.A.]



CAPTER 3           10:20

A few steps and already by the seaside. And the text? Develops like the thoughts during walking: We put the first sentence at certain points by the wayside of the bay. The other morning we put a second sentence next to it. From these two we get a combined sentence. The next morning we put a third sentence next to this one. We end up with an even more eleborated sentence. A memory-way-text in Plakias Bay, Crete. With a greeting to the hippocampus. Pas cu Pas. Step by Step. On radio-sand.

Pas cu Pas. Schritt für Schritt. Auf Radiosand.


„Listening to it for several times i imagined someone walking at first lost in thoughts and later on jumping joyfully from one foot to another. In my notebook i started from what i saw like a conclusion of the song: "pas cu pas" “ [D.A.]

CAPTER 4           16:00


In the sand-desert the steps are crunching like chewing a Rubinette (apple). Boshra Kassems text about the wish to breath the air together with your loved ones. Arabic German. At the end drawing a deep breath and smoothing out the skin again.


„The format of 1, 2 and 4 I could measure now, is weird: 28.5x29.8 cm. The third one is 20.5x15 cm. And the paper is actually made two years ago when we visited a paper mill. I found it yesterday.“ [D.A.]



CAPTER 5           19:00


Radio-steep-slope. Then the high plateau. Breathing and Walking. Bass-clarinet and double bass. Eighteen steps can also be divided into seven plus eleven. And at the same time listening at which steps a radiosignal becomes audible beneath the sole. And not forget to breath. With brushed radio.


„The works with charcoal that you mentioned were made after the blue ones. In the blue ones i was more concentrated to find the right "system of sounds" i was writing about above (that's why they look like lines from a book), while in those with charcoal i aimed also to represent the fluency of the sounds and break the lines, make it flow and follow the move.“ [D.A.]




CAPTER 6           22:00


The speed stays the same. Chinese percussion and two flutes continue the accents. The question about walking and thinking takes us far. To Moganshan. The metres are shifting, changing the spoken text. Are they closer now to the chinese sound-gestures? The choir of tree-frogs in the bamboo-forest are sliding the radio-signals out of our consciousness. (bamboo-xylophone) The T‘rung as suspension bridge to the hazy mountain in front of us:



CAPTER 7           26:20

Totchāl. Viola, kamancheh, daf. Thaw of snow on the local mountain of Teheran. And immediately the complaint: „Walking instead of driving helps in case of smog!“ But Teheran has become to big and to loud. Farsi, German.



CAPTER 8           31:30

What is the tempo of our walking?  And in which place are we? And what is the other tempo of our breathing? The Raxalpe with it‘s narrow paths through dwarf pines moves our thoughts in another direction. And leads via „Wandelbar“ by Andrea Fränzel further over iron ladders at the Waldeggersteig to radio-leaves.


„Yes, I started with the normal sewing, from the sounds, ideas came along with the process, while thinking.The energy and the shifts in directions that the sounds bring and the path they describe. At first i focused on those. Then the invisible Zwirn/fir/thread: the noise, the specific sound that appears when we try to change to another frequency of a radio wave, but also on morse code signals. And then came to my mind the correspondence to what you had written about our conversation imprinted on snow as visible traces, with footsteps. 

And other things crossed my head, like the details of the paper, the pieces of letters and plants that are part of the texture. A mixture of nature, paths, codes, visible, invisible, traces, thoughts and feelings and directions.“ [D.A.]



CAPTER 9           34:30

What is she thinking, the one who walks over there on the hillside? Thoughts are not yet available as frequencies. A lot is in the air. For her over there it is „The smell of liquorice.“ Text: Daniela Schatz



CAPTER 10         37:30

Walking, surrounded by thoughts, frequencies and sounds. And ourselves split up into breathing-, walking- and radio-signal-rhythms. Freed. Open. Movement is no poverty. If there is a lot in the air, the question appears: to breath radio - is that possible?


Silent text: 

Silent text: “Kempermann, who concentrates in his neurologic research on the question, how suspicion turns into knowledge, found out, that the simultaneous frequency of the electro-magnetic impulses in nerve-cells, which makes perception, memory and thinking possible, is stimulated by walking - but only, so his surprising result, if the legs move voluntarily: the army causes, so Kempermann, no stimulation of the thinking process. Thus we are able, a civil form of walking assumed, to consolidate our thinking by the rhythm of our walking into memories.

Wir können also unser Denken im Rhythmus unseres Gehens, eine zivile Form des Gehens vorausgesetzt, zu Gedächtnissen verfestigen.“



CAPTER 11         40:00

„Just walking? A tall order!“ Prater Hauptallee. Bobby Sommer as saxophon-player at the wayside and a talk with Karen Werner while walking. Walking - in thoughts. Walking - connected to each other - further than our contours - radio. Radio as a play with borders and space between us and others. „There is this mingling in the air..“ -. Does the tempo of speaking adapt to our walking and to our breathing? A November evening.


„I still discover subtle sounds I hven‘t noticed so far, it is incredible, and rediscover others“ [D.A.]


CAPTER 12         43:20

Water. Sand. The sea is breathing slower than us. And it breathes different at each coast, breathes six to nine feet deep in Boston Harbour and on the beach of Vancouver Island, breathes one to three feet flat at the Lido of Venice and in Plakias Bay in Crete. Here in Crete with a view over a moonlight-fatamorgana-path towards Alexandria. To wish to walk over water. The signals at the sea are different. The ancient flashing beacon of Alexandria changed to a marine-radio-fire in the last century. As morse-code. „DahDitDahDah. --- Dit. --- DitDitDit.“ „Yes“


„P.S.: i am relieved that the images reached you, at the moment my laptop has some problems and i still don't know how or when it could be fixed; so it's good to know.“ [D.A.]






Andrea Fränzel  Kontrabass, Komposition

Anıl Üver  sprechchor

Bobby Sommer  Saxophon, sprechchor, Komposition

Boshra Kassem  sprechchor, Text

Daniel Müller  sprechchor

Daniela Beuren  sprechchor

Daniela Schatz  sprechchor, Text

Denisa Angheluța  Zeichnungen

Diana Miron  Violine, Stimme

Elif Bilici  Sprechstimme, sprechchor

Farhad Bazyan  Sprechstimme

Gabriele Migdalek  sprechchor

Gentiana Kristo   sprechchor

Judith Reiter  Viola

Julia Schreitl  Bassklarinette

Kai Kugler  sprechchor

Karen Werner  Sprechstimme, sprechchor

Karin Seidner  sprechchor

Katharina Steininger  sprechchor

Kheder Aldebiat  sprechchor

Klaus Hahn  sprechchor

Konstanze Rainer  sprechchor

Laurentiu Kocak  Kontrabass

Monika Maria Steiner  sprechchor

Rashed Babashabi  Kamancheh

Saleh Rozati  Daf

Vera Czemerinski  sprechchor

Viktoria Slavuski  sprechchor



Semmering, Prater Hauptallee, Schneeberg, Waldeggersteig, Kordeschkopf/Petzen, Ulaan Chus (Rote Birke) Mongolei, Bucht von Plakias/Kreta, Torre Grande/Sardinien, Wüste Negev/Israel, Salar de Atacama/Chile, Raxalpe, Pappelteich/Wien, Moganshan/China, Totchāl/Teheran, Khatgal/Mogolei;

Recorded 2001-2017

Quotes „Kempermann“ mit freundlicher Zustimmung von Prof. Dr. Gerd Kempermann


Recordings Music, Language, Choir: Bruno Pisek

additional choir recordings: Christoph Amann, Amannstudios