SONNTAG, 20. Jänner 2001, 23:00. - 24:00, Ö1


Soundcard IV

Ghost in the Shell

von / by Gruppe CoRRoSioN

Curated by Aleksandar Vasiljevic



Dauer: 50'11"
[ Deutsch ]

One can hardly hear any of the members of CoRRoSioN declaring himself/herself as an artist, although their works contain what Webster's dictionary considers a capital attribute of art - craftsmanship. When you speak to them in person they are ready to spend hours explaining the technical difficulties they had in achieving a result, or why AMIGA has a smarter architecture than an Intel-based machine. Some members have an opposite opinion - they are liberal on that matter. Yet, you will hardly get any statement on their "art" or "artistic concepts". They will rather play you some music or video.

Looking at the contemporary Serbian artistic scene, this is a rare phenomenon. Most audio-visual artists are putting much more effort in promoting their content than in making one. But is it not a global phenomenon, after all? One must admit that it is much easier to put a small content into a big context and wait for the stream to do the rest, than to make a content just for the beauty of it, taking the risk of being masked by a historical/political/technical moment. In Serbia this meant putting all sorts of content into a pro- or anti-Milosevic context (depending on the sponsors artists were aiming to). Since 11th September 2001, many world artists have recognised the global anti-terrorist campaign as a perfect chance to make their (sometimes rather thin) art visible and even popular.

People of CoRRoSioN have always had their private points of view on such matters, of course, yet they never explicated them in their artwork. This has been the main reason for their absence from both mainstream and independent media, but this lack of media support did not make them change their course - they persistently put theircontent above the context. In my opinion, this is what makes an artwork stay fresh and comprehensive, even without spectator's knowledge about the time or environment of its origin.

Oscar Wilde said: "The artist is the creator of beautiful things". I got a copy of Ghost in the Shell by CoRRoSioN a couple of weeks ago, and I still play it over and over again. Simply because it is beautiful... Or is it just me?

Aleksandar Vasiljevic

[ English ]

Hinter dem Namen CoRRoSioN verbirgt sich eine Gruppierung serbischer KünstlerInnen, die sich mit neuen Medien auseinandersetzen und die Welt der Computertechnologie erforschen und sowohl mit medien- wie kontextspezifischen (Kunst-) Formen experimentieren. CoRRoSioN selbst ist wiederum Teil des KOSMOPLOVCI Konglomerat, das versucht, die unabhängige Elektronik Szene durch Informationen und Projekte im Internet,durch gelegentliche CD Produktionen und durch Events auch international sichtbar zu machen.
Die gemeinsame Plattform für CoRRoSioN und KOSMOPLOVCI besteht aus einem Server mit einer portalartigen Homepage, auf der auch die Soundcard-Radiokunstserie gefeaturet wird.

Die Gruppierung CoRRoSioN entwickelt und unterstützt Projekte alternativer elektronischer Musik, on line Kurzfilme, Open Source Software, unabhängige AV Produzenten, Demonstrationen (98/99), die Produktion von Comics oder eben Radiokunst und ruft bei Gelegenheit zu einer "electronic resistance" auf.

Die Radioarbeiten von CoRRoSioN sind wie auch ihre Auftritte bei internationalen Medienkunst - Festivals ein wichtiges Interface zum Gateway zur unabhängigen serbischen Medienkunst- und Musikszene. Was nicht heissen soll, dass sie diesen spezifischen Auftritten nicht auch spezifische und intensive künstlerische Aufmerksamkeit widmen. Immerhin findet man bei CoRRoSioN Namen wie Gordan Paunovic, Dusan Bauk und Aleksandar Vasiljevic - Künstler also, die KunstradiohörerInnen längst durch ihre interessanten Projekte aufgefallen sein dürften.