LeMomo - a KUNSTRADIO PROJECT for the 18.9.00 PRIX ITALIA / AFTERADIO festival in Bologna, Italy

vvideo / audio clips / information about the Le Momo performance are archived and can be found at the project site by clicking on the appropriate links


'LeMomo' is the name that Antonin Artaud gave his 'new body' after he was released from an insane asylum in Rodez, France. During his time there he was administered various sorts of electro-shock therapy, and afterwards he suffered from an undiagnosed cancer of the anus. His final radio broadcast was conducted under the influence of this prolonged exposure to electro-shock, a growing rectal disease, and a desire to test the sensibility of French citizens. It was banned at the last minute by authorities.

In this spirit, members of the Kunstradio team (Groiß, Hammer, Jaeger, and Siedl) participated in the AFTERADIO festival: a desire to explore the guts and innards of an object reduced primarily to iconhood: vintage radio. The goal was to deconstruct and manipulate the sounds and images of "old-time" radio mixed with new sound-production technologies; laptop computers, voice-manipulation programs, freeware, and real-time processing apps were used alongside the real, "raw" sounds of the vintage-radio in question as it was picked apart and demolished by the Kunstradio team for all in Bologna to witness.

The project page contains video and sound excepts that are the results of this process/ project. Unusual glitches, staticky beats, fuzzes, and hums are accompanied by various strung-together videos of 'old' and 'new' applications of an object reduced to a meme for a certain generation.